4650 rue Berri . Montréal
Québec . H2J 2R5 . Canada
PERCH ARCHITECTURE, based in Montreal, is a collaborative design practice established by architects Julie Charbonneau and Suresh Perera.
Architecture has a profound impact on one's daily life.
Re-thinking, making more poignant and enriching the everyday through creative and well thought out architectural gestures is one of the fundamental notions of our practice as is the desire for exploration and experimentation.
This preoccupation is found in all our projects, at all scales, from institutional to residential and commercial work, as well as our temporary art installations and exhibitions.
Ordre des architectes du Québec, Canada (2007)
State of Illinois, USA (2003)
With over 22 years of professional experience as both a design lead and a project architect, Suresh has worked in Washington DC, Chicago and for over 15 years in Montreal. Having designed a number of projects of various scales and types, his strength as a designer has also been demonstrated through a series of public art installations and exhibitions.
He ran studio PERERA architects (Montreal) from 2009 to 2015 before founding studio PER.CH with Julie. In 1998, he received a professional degree in architecture from Texas Tech University and in 2004, a post-professional degree in the History and Theory of Architecture from McGill University. Having lived in a number of countries including Sri-Lanka, Nigeria and the United States, he brings a unique international experience and vision.
Suresh regularly teaches a design studio in the Schools of Architecture at McGill University, Carleton University and at the School of Design at UQAM (Université du Québec à Montréal).
Ordre des architectes du Québec, Canada (2010)
Having worked in Los Angeles and Montreal, Julie has over 15 years of architectural practice experience. She has a strong expertise in institutional, commercial and residential projects, in both new construction as well as renovations and re-use projects. Prior to founding studio PERCH in 2016 with Suresh, as part of Marosi-Troy architects for over 10 years, she has been both adjunct project manager and designer on a number of major projects with several university, college and school institutions.
She is regular design critic for student projects at Schools of Architecture and Design, including the Université de Montréal , UQAM (Université du Québec à Montréal), Laurentian University and Lousiana State University in Baton Rouge.
2019 Lecture, Laurentian University School of Architecture, Sudbury, Canada. Lecture title: In between inside and outside
2018 Lecture, Louisiana State University, School of Architecture, Baton Rouge, USA. Lecture title: everyday : on art, architecture, the small practice and related topics
2017 Compétition Winterstations, Toronto, projet lauréat. Installation: North, endroit : Plage de Toronto, ON
2017 Journal: Globe and Mail, édition du samedi 18 fév. 2017. Article « Cold Fusion » revue de
l’installation North
2016 Lecture, Puebla University School of Architecture, Puebla, Mexico. Lecture title: Cities Imagined and Lived: Notes from Chaux and Montreal, with Paul Holmquist (PhD)
2013 Installation: Wall-walk, Université McGill galerie d'architecture, Montréal
2012 Compétition Migrating Landscapes, 2013 Biennale de Venise, Exposition à la galerie Parisian Laundry, Montréal Finaliste
2011 Récipiendaire bourse de recherche et création artistique, Conceil des arts et des lettres du Québec pour le projet intitulé Useless Structures
2011 Exposition: Réinventons La Ruelle , Maison de l'architecture du Québec
2011 Exposition: Thin Spaces , Galerie d’Architecture, McGill University
2009, 2010 Compétition internationale des Jardin de Métis, Jardins Reford, Grand-Métis, QC Projet lauréat
2009 Compétition Paysages éphémères Mont-Royal, Montréal QC Projet lauréat
2009 Compétition d’art éphémère de la Place-des-Arts, Montréal, QC Finaliste
2009 Magazine: Landscape World, Vol 28, 2009, Publication du projet des Jardins de Métis
2009 Magazine: Forme, V5 N3, 2009, Publication du projet pour Paysages éphémères Mont-Royal
2008 Récipiendaire bourse de recherche et création artistique, Conceil des arts et des lettres du Québec pour le projet intitulé Between Inside and Outside.
2007 Exposition: Seventy Architects on Ethics and Poetics , Centre de design de l’UQAM, Montréal